On June 26, 2015, same-sex couples won the right to legally marry in all 50 states. a victory with caveats.
In the years since, discrimination against LGBTQ+ Americans is still legal in 31 of those states, 62% of the country. Discrimination that is especially damaging in the areas of employment, housing, and service. Working with Ad Council and The Gill Foundation, we were proud to create a campaign fighting to bring awareness and change to this unequal equality through the voices of the very people living it.
ABC News / “‘Beyond I Do’ campaign fights against legal LGBT discrimination”
Fast Company / “This Campaign Says Marriage Equality Doesn’t End The Gay Rights Fight”
Mashable / “‘Beyond I Do’ campaign reveals why LGBTQ discrimination is still legal”
Adweek / “New Campaign Puts a Spotlight on 31 States Where LGBTQ+ Discrimination Remains the Law”
Ad Age - Editor’s Pick / “‘Beyond I Do,’ discrimination against LGBTQ families remains disturbingly legal”
Logo / “‘Beyond I Do’ campaign reminds us that LGBT discrimination didn’t stop with marriage equality”
NBC Columbus / “Central Ohio woman featured in new national ad campaign about LGBT discrimination”
Campaign / “Ad Council goes ‘Beyond I Do’ to fight LGBT discrimination”